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Welcome to Public Records Office (PRO) – we are the designated archives to preserve and make accessible the archival records of the HKSAR Government. We have preserved over 1.8 million records. Our holdings date back to as early as the mid-19th century. They are held in different formats ranging from files, bound volumes, photographs, posters, maps and plans to films.
Our holdings consist of three types:
- Archival Items - Government documents transferred by government bureaux and departments (with Record ID prefixed by "HKRS" which stands for "Hong Kong Record Series") and private records and personal papers donated to PRO as well as reproduction copy of records relating to Hong Kong purchased from other overseas Archives (with Record ID prefixed by "HKMS" which stands for "Hong Kong Manuscript Series").
- Library Items - Items of the Central Preservation Library for Government Publications, which mainly include government publications (such as monographs, photographs, serial and posters). Some books relating to Hong Kong studies are also included.
- Carl Smith Collection - Data cards compiled by the late Reverend Carl Smith through some 25 years’ intensive research into a vast quantity of original records, newspapers and publications held by PRO.
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Online catalogue
You can use online catalogue "@PRO" for searching information about PRO holdings.