

參考編號 標題 涵蓋年份 載體
HKRS771-5-25 Kowloon permanent pier (no. 54) 25.06.1979 案卷
HKRS801-1-1 City hall – Ceremonial occasions at Queen’s Pier 23.02.1965 - 29.01.1974 案卷
HKRS837-1-11 Hong Kong & Kowloon ferry workers general union 07.03.1963 案卷
HKRS837-1-471 Hong Kong cross-harbour tunnel workers general union 21.08.1970 - 28.10.1972 案卷
HKRS837-1-611 Union of officers of cross-harbour tunnel Co. Ltd. 10.06.1981 - 30.01.1991 案卷
HKRS896-1-23 K.P.P.S. 23,24,25 & 34 Holt’s Wharf – Kowloon – 1. Renewal of lease 2. Re-development 22.09.1947 - 10.01.1974 案卷
HKRS939-4-14 A survey on the effects of the cross-harbour tunnel to various transport facilities, especially the H.K. Yaumati Ferry Company Limited 05.08.1972 - 14.11.1973 案卷