
Ref no. Title Covering year Photograph
03-05-128 Rickshaws in front of Star Ferry Wharf at Tsim Sha Tsui, c. 1927 Photograph
03-05-143 The Kowloon Wharf before the second world war, 1930s. 1930s Photograph
03-06-176 The photo shows a view of the Tsim Sha Tsui. A bus, which the route number was 12, was visible. This bus terminus at Sham Shui Po. There were rickshaws in the foreground. The photo was taken in the early 1930's. Early 1930s Photograph
06-06-135 Sampan settlement in Hong Kong. NA Photograph
06-06-140 Landing of the Prince of Wales at Blake Pier on 6 April 1922. 1922 Photograph
06-06-142 The Prince of Wales and H.E. the Governor Sir R.E. Stubbs at Blake Pier on landing on 6 April 1922. 1922 Photograph
06-06-144 The Prince of Wales on his way from the Blake Pier to the pavilion at Chater Road, 6 April 1922. 1922 Photograph
06-06-145 The Prince of Wales on his way from the Blake Pier to the pavilion at Chater Road, 6 April 1922. 1922 Photograph
06-07-149 Arrival of H.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil Clementi (right) at the Queen's Pier, accompanied by Sir Claud Severn, Colonial Secretary, on 1 November 1925. 1 1925 Photograph
06-09-241 Star Ferry, c. 1946. 1946 Photograph